If you are in the Berkshire region and own horses, ponies or donkeys, you may require some dental work for your animals. Wessex equine dental services provide professional dentistry and can evaluate and then carry out any dental work required, we carry out the compete process, evaluation, and procedures on site. Wessex equine dentists recommend your horse’s teeth are examined every 6 to 12 months depending on previous dental history and your animals age. If you notice any signs of dental problems, please make an appointment as soon as possible in order to keep your horse healthy and pain free.
Routine dental care is so important to the performance and welfare of your horse, without looking inside your horses mouth you wont know if there are any underlying problems. Horses will hide any conditions they have from you as not to seem weak, this is because they are psychologically prey animals and must look as strong as possible.
If your in the Berkshire region and require any of our services then you can get in touch using the contact details below:
Email: wessexeds@gmail.comDue to the nature of my business, I find we are travelling the country mainting and repairing equine dental problems. So we cover quite a broad area of the UK. However our main area of operations can be found below:
View various photos of us working on animals
What ares do we cover and can we travel to you
Hi Curtis! I just wanted to say thanks for the work u did! My horse is transformed!!!! I really did not realise how much his behaviour was due to his pain!!! I've ridden twice and he doesn't headshake or chew!!! And works in an outline so well!
Thanks againLiv
The British Association Of Equine Dental Technicians (BAEDT) was founded in 2001 and is an organisation for qualified professional Equine Dental Technicians, promoting the professional training of technicians and to provide greater understanding of the need for equine dentistry to the general public.
The first and most important things I did with horses is to ensure that their teeth are checked along with their backs. This then ensured that they were comfortable and pain free which gave me a blank canvass to work with. I spent a period of 6 months working with horses in Australia and during this time I was given the opportunity to train at the College of Equine Dentistry Australia which is recognised as having one of the highest standards of equine dentistry tuition in the world and there I continued to train and work as an equine dentist.
To book an appointment for your horse, ponies or donkeys, please either phone or email us, or alternativly you can send an appointment request online here.